Ramblings of a late 20-something

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday Ramblings

She nestled down beneath the covers and closed her eyes tight. In the quiet darkness she focused on him. On the fantasy of meeting him in a place of anonymity; a place of sanctity. Desperately she clung to the idea of him, even as he faded from her mind. Thoughts drifted deeper and deeper into a mix of real and unreal. She slumbered, body snuggled beneath the covers, dreams shifting in her mind.

Country Road

Traveling a long country road together
they laugh.
A corny sense of humor surrounds them both
as they discuss the painted houses passing them by.
Oak trees and plantations one after another
Life as it used to be
Markers showing the way back to the 19th century,
to history and a new-born America.
She drives and remembers why she chose him.
They fly over the hills and around the curves.
Relaxed, happy, fulfilled.


Blogger JohnnyMac said...

I put the first part of your Sunday post on my site (Dreaming). I hope that's okay; I used it as an example of a contest I am running for my blog.

If this poses a problem, let me know.


4:40 PM  

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