Ramblings of a late 20-something

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Music, Music, Music

I've just remembered why I don't listen to the radio during my workday very often. I tend to get melancholic. My humors get out of sort and my liver takes control or...something Elizabethan like that. Music is so powerful. Lyrics and words which somehow seem to project every feeling we've ever had into a melodious, haunting story...so far today I've been energetic, wistful, sexy, nostalgic, and even flat-out depressed because of songs I've heard...and right now I find myself pulling out a few 80s dance moves as I sit at my desk procrastinating about my next work project...

Music truly does feed our souls. It helps us to let out frustrations, express our sensuality, and show others what we're really feeling without us ever having to say anything. Here are a few of my favorites for expressing my true feelings about myself and random other things...

Train's "Drop's of Jupiter"
Tori Amos' "Mother" and "Crucify"
any song by Eminem
Eric Clapton's "Old Love"
Tom Petty's "American Girl"
Bob Seger's "Night Moves," "Still the Same," "Main Street," "We've Got Tonight," and "Against the Wind,"
Nickelback's "Photograph"
Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind," "The Times They are a Changin'"
and for some reason, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by the Beatles

Now clearly this is an incomplete list. THere are many, many more songs which make me happy, sad, thoughtful, etc, etc. This is just the beginning. What songs make you yearn for something?


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