Ramblings of a late 20-something

Friday, May 19, 2006


I haven't posted anything in a while because, well, to be honest, nothing much has happened. Nothing to cause me to write in, according to a recent critique from a publishing company, "a cliched language." That's what happens. This is why I write nonfiction for an educational publisher. I very rarely get bad critiques, and even if I do, I still get paid. It's irritating. I didn't really expect them to want to publish my stuff, but cliched? Really? Maybe it is. Right now it all seems trite and traitorous anyway. That's alright. I'll keep writing, for my own sake, and life will go on as usual.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Last Night

Go to sleep. Just focus on the darkness behind your eyelids. Listen to the chirping of the frogs on the CD. Get comfortable...no, don't roll over, don't...okay focus on the darkness...stop singing songs in your head...I swear I'm going to seriously harm him if he doesn't quit snoring...ah..okay, almost there. Why am I thinking about that trip to Cancun from three years ago? Get that thought out. Focus on the darkness. I wonder what would happen if we moved back to Georgia? UGH. Stop it. Darkness. What was that? There's no stalker in the house. Listen to the gentle sounds of the rain from the Cd. No one is snoring. I have to pee. It's 12:30. I have to get up in six hours. I really need to fall asleep. I've been lying here for a hour and a half. Maybe if I just roll over...now my arm hurts. Maybe I should take the Tylenol PM. I still have to pee. Okay, I'm getting up. Alright, took the medicine. Now, let's focus on the darkness...it's too quiet in here. Did the Cd go off? What was that? Okay, eyes are closed...focus, focus...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Remember not to forget

so tired
music washes over
eyes close
need to work
too many thoughts
music makes them all
rise to the surface
stretch and take a deep breath
close your eyes
let the thoughts come
good and bad
hot and cold
remember the New Year’s Eve
when we fought; in love and out
remember the music
when nothing else mattered.
remember when you said you loved me
but couldn’t mean it
remember when you said it again
in the darkness in the living room
inside me
remember when I loved you forever
remember when I told you to never forget?

Streaming Sunlight

Sun streams across her body as she lies on the floor dreaming. Thoughts filter in and out...images, kisses, warmth. She smiles in her sleep. The blanket slips off her bare shoulder revealing a heart shaped birthmark. She sighs in her sleep and dreams of hot passion. In sleep she can be whatever she wants to be...she can imagine whatever she wants to imagine...She snuggles deeper under the blanket and hopes never to wake.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Yellow tulips bloom
bright sunlight shines from above
spring is in the air