Ramblings of a late 20-something

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One must desire something...

Margaret Deland said in a 2002 article in "O" magazine, "One must desire something to be alive." What if what we desire is something forbidden? What if we desire things or people that we can't, or shouldn't have? As a late 20-something, these are the things that, right now, I desire:

1. the ability to smoke without consequences
2. the ability to solve all the world's problems with blink of my eyes and a nod of my head
3. ........ (fill in the blank)
4. the ability to eat whatever and never gain weight
5. the power not to care if I gain weight
6. that one chance to answer all of my "what would happen if..." questions...

So I desire that moment, that one moment in time where I can say, "What would happen if..." and actually know. That's all I want...is to know. But I suppose if we all knew the answer to that ageless question, the future would no longer be the future and no one would ever learn a lesson...we would just do the right thing immediately. Now where would the fun be in that?

What I really desire is so simple really. But so impossible. Stupid life...I cannot sometimes enjoy it for wondering what if...


Blogger J.D. said...

I know that story all too well. Someday, someone is going to invent a time machine, and make an awful lot of money off those "what-ifs." I think about them all the time.

9:11 PM  

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